Port 13722 is not assigned to any specific service or protocol by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Therefore, its usage may vary depending on the application or service configured to use it. It is important to note that some malware and viruses may use non-standard ports such as 13722 to communicate with their command and control servers, which can pose a security risk.
Ports those registered with IANA are shown as official ports. The same port number may be unofficialy used by various services or applications. The official usage are listed separately below its usage may change from time to time.
Port |
Protocol (TCP/UDP) |
Title |
Description |
Port Type |
Port 13722 |
tcp |
bpjava-msvc |
BP Java MSVC |
Port 13722 |
udp |
bpjava-msvc |
BP Java MSVC |
Unofficialy or sometimes with conflict, the same port may be used by different applications.
Port | Protocol (TCP/UDP) | Description |